Quarterly Review - Q3 2024

After a relatively benign first half of 2024, Q3 saw a sharp increase in volatility and a change in market leadership, as US large caps gave up ground to other, less heavily owned parts of the global stock market, including the UK and China. Despite the sharp drawdown in early August, all markets outside of the US finished the quarter in positive territory, reminding investors that in times of volatility, often the best course of action is to take no action at all....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary - August 2024

Despite lingering concerns about the health of the global economy and macroeconomists fretting about the future path of interest rates, equity investors have enjoyed a relatively smooth ride year-to-date, with most major regions posting solid gains. Reflecting the rather benign backdrop was the VIX, a key measure of market volatility, which closed July significantly below its longer-term average. ...

The US Presidential Election: What’s at Stake for ESG?

The Presidential elections have always carried global significance. The US is still the world’s largest economy – policy decisions resonate the world over. But with the two parties promising starkly different visions, the outcome of this US election is likely to be one of the most consequential in recent years. With ESG itself a polarising subject in the US, our Investment Analyst Daniel Say delves in to what’s at stake:...

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary - July 2024

Following a broadly positive yet at times erratic first half of the year, macro data released in July saw investors bet big on interest rate cut expectations. Whether economic or political, there were so many talking points throughout the month – a general softening of inflationary factors in developed markets paving the way for rather bullish flows into risk assets such as small cap equities being one of the key themes where markets were concerned. ...

Quarterly Review - Q2 2024

Global equity markets have continued to exceed expectations, with several major developed indices reaching all-time highs during Q2. With headline inflation now largely under control in the US, UK and Europe, we are at the top of the rate cycle and thus the WSL Investment Team are cautiously optimistic on the outlook for equities moving into H2. ...

Electric vehicle sales growth is slowing – is the industry running out of charge?

Two headlines – one from an investment bank, the other from a national paper – published within weeks of each other. Electric vehicles (EVs) have become an increasingly politicised microcosm of the wider debate surrounding net zero – do the benefits of adoption outweigh the potentially significant costs? Are EVs going to transform transportation, or are they an expensive luxury?...

Podcast Relaunch: Mid-year Review – The Softest of Landings

Headphones at the ready - Whitechurch Securities Ltd have relaunched their Market Matters Podcast! Our sister company is back with a bumper edition looking back over the first half of the year as well as attempting to look ahead at what might happen in the second half - just where has those six months gone?! ...

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary - May 2024

Unloved and undervalued – two words synonymous with the UK market in recent years. Overshadowed by the performance of more tech-focused indices and exacerbated by a shift in favour of more globally focused asset allocation strategies, UK equities have tended to lag their developed market peers....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary - April 2024

Following a broadly positive Q1, returns in April were much more muted, with markets backpedalling on previously higher optimism for imminent interest rate cuts. To add context to the apparent mood swing, just six months ago, as many as seven US interest rate cuts were being touted for the 2024 calendar year, versus just two at the beginning of April, with some commentators now expecting none at all....

Quarterly Review - April 2024

The WSL Investment Team's view has not changed materially from last quarter – we still feel there are risks to inflation on the upside. In our view, the lacklustre performance of bonds through Q1 means they are now fairly priced given the macroeconomic backdrop, but subsectors with lower interest rate sensitivity still look attractive given the uncertain outlook for inflation...

Spring Budget: What could affect you?

Last Wednesday, Jeremy Hunt claimed he would help “build a brighter future” for Britain with his “Budget for Long Term Growth”. The finer details and assessing their impact as a whole on both the economy and your personal is our job as advisers on your behalf. So, you can leave the nitty gritty announcements to us. But there are some headline announcements you ought to take note of that might impact your finances more readily and would benefit from us having a discussion soon in order to make the most of any changes....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary - February 2024

February capped a second consecutive month of varied performance for the major asset classes following a blistering end to 2023. With inflation seemingly continuing its meandering course back towards central bankers’ 2% target, markets continued to bet on the future trajectory of interest rates. In the US, earnings season was in full swing, with some of the largest companies in the world reporting, while across the world the first of some four billion voters scheduled to vote this year went to the polls....

Whitechurch Sustainability Report & Responsible Investment Policy 2024

The race to net-zero will require deep cuts in emissions across all sectors of the economy, and the financial services industry is no exception. Through the mobilisation of finance, our sector can be a driving force in the transition to a low carbon economy. Find out what steps we're taking at Whitechurch...

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary - January 2024

After 2023 ended with a bang, January offered somewhat of a reality check. Even during December, there was a sense that the widespread rally had an element of too good to be true about it. To put this into context, many funds, regardless of asset class, saw more gains in the final month of the year than they had in the preceding 11 combined...

5 predictions for ESG & Sustainability in 2024

Despite improving on a dismal 2022, last year presented its own set of challenges for sustainable investors. Aside from the remarkable performance of the so-called magnificent seven, the US mega-cap technology stocks that together produced a return of 71% (to the end of November), performance was more mixed, particularly for parts of the sustainable universe. As we say goodbye to 2023 the Whitechurch Investment Team give five predictions for the year ahead...

Moving Into 2024

In December our inboxes were full of forecasts for 2024, in which there was some consensus and some conflict in opinions of what would happen this year. Now as we are in the second week of January, some of these prophecies are still holding strong, whilst others have already fallen by the wayside reminding us of the speed at which the investment landscape can change and the pitfalls of trying to predict what may happen....

Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) - Are we there yet?

Close but not quite would be the answer to that question! On the 28th November the FCA published its long-awaited Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) policy document which was first mentioned in the 2019 UK Green Finance Strategy document....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary - November 2023

In stark contrast to the month before, November saw widespread gains across equity and fixed income asset classes. Almost paradoxically, share prices rallied on the back of weakening economic data released throughout the month, particularly from the US....

What Next for ESG? Looking through the noise

Whilst ESG-integrated (the process of considering environmental, social and governance factors in investment decisions) portfolios have been around in various guises for many years, it took a global pandemic to truly throw ESG into the limelight. ...

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary - October 2023

October proved to be a very challenging month for equity and fixed income investors alike, as rising bond yields and heightened global geopolitical tension weighed on markets....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary - August

August was another volatile month for markets, driven by rising government bond yields and a deteriorating outlook for China, where the faltering economic recovery was compounded by renewed stress in the property sector. Against this backdrop, global equities and bonds both lost ground, with concerns about the prospect of future rate hikes continuing to present challenges for the traditional 60/40 portfolio. ...

Whitechurch Blog: Investing in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

It’s been another strange six months for investors – banking wobbles, inflation and a lacklustre Chinese economy have all weighed on investment returns. Perhaps it is in part due to these headwinds that the recent performance of those companies with links (however tenuous) to Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been so striking....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary - July

The somewhat surprising risk-on sentiment seen so far this year continued during July, supported by a notable markdown in inflation for some of the major developed economies....

Whitechurch Blog: For Long-term Investors, Cash May Not be King

With the Bank of England (BoE) base rate at its highest level since 2008, and further rate hikes expected before the end of the year, the attractiveness of cash as an asset class has undoubtedly increased. This was reflected in data from earlier in the year, which showed that investors added £2.32 billion to UK money market funds (highly liquid ‘cash equivalent’ products) in May....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Quarterly Review - Q2 2023

Inflation was once again front and centre for investors and policymakers alike through the second quarter of 2023. While US inflation continued its steady downward trajectory, in the UK three consecutive upside surprises piled further pressure on the Bank of England (BoE) as it struggled to keep prices in check....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary

Despite the apparent lack of obvious tailwinds for global economic growth, May offered investors a second consecutive month of relative calm following March’s demise of Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse. ...

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary

Despite the month concluding with the high-profile failure of another US regional bank, First Republic, April saw a degree of calm restored to global markets. The collapse of Silicon Valley bank (SVB) in March – at the time, the 2nd largest bank collapse in US history – sent jitters through the global banking system. ...

Whitechurch Investment Update: Quarterly Review - Q1 2023

We start this quarterly review by reflecting on the recent events in the banking sector. First to the US, where on March 10th, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) – the 16th largest bank in the US – was shut down by regulators. SVB saw massive growth between 2019 and 2022, but its collapse was even more rapid, reflected in the fact that analysts were still giving the bank a ‘buy’ rating only days prior. During its growth years, SVB acquired significant deposits from start-up technology companies. SVB used these deposits to purchase Treasury bonds and other long-term debt....

Whitechurch Blog: The Great Mining Paradox

Take a sustainable portfolio at random and look at the underlying sector exposure- what do you see? Clean energy? Technology? Other sustainable themes such as clean transport, environmental services, and resource efficiency? All of these have one thing in common – a reliance on metal, be it common industrials (like copper), exotic rare earths with unpronounceable names, or precious metals such as platinum, silver and gold....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary

Following a strong opening month of the year, February saw a modest decline for both global equity and bond markets. Despite broadly resilient economic data throughout the month, this was viewed by investors as a sign that the economy is not yet in recession and that further interest rate increases from central banks are likely. The upshot is, of course, that the prospect of subsequent rate cuts and target inflation levels appear to be further away than previously anticipated....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary and Look Ahead to 2023

Somewhat fittingly, 2022 finished on a whimper, with December’s lacklustre performance for global equity and bond markets ensuring that investors were keen to leave the year firmly in the rear-view mirror. The year Russia invaded Ukraine, the year asset class dislocations became extreme, and the year that the cost of capital returned – regardless of the angle, 2022 will be remembered unfavourably by many....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Quarterly Review - Q4 2022

Welcome to the Whitechurch quarterly investment review. This review covers the key factors that have influenced investment markets over the past quarter and the Whitechurch Investment Team’s current views and broad strategies being employed....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary

The hope among investors is that, should this be true, then the current interest rate hiking cycle from central banks will surely soon slow and thus create a more normal environment for economic growth. There have been several other factors at play too – last month, I reported on the relatively robust corporate earnings season in the US, the much-needed stability in the UK political landscape and the switch in investor mindset away from the inflationary view that has dominated much of the year, to a more traditional recessionary one. This has also supported the recovery of the bond market, with the traditional return profile seemingly re-emerging after a difficult year-to-date....

Autumn Statement Reaction

Less than eight weeks on from attempting to digest the ‘mini-budget’ delivered by then Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, we are faced with the introduction of yet another set of divisive policies. The objective sounds relatively straightforward – repair the UK economy and ultimately find a way to cover the enormous post-pandemic deficit in a way that maintains prosperity for virtually everyone. Execution, however, is an entirely different matter, with many moving parts....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary

Much in the same way that last quarter began with a fleeting return of 'risk on' sentiment among the investment community, similar traits were seen across both equity and fixed-income markets during October. The reasons for this have been wide-ranging, from broadly robust corporate earnings in the US to some much-needed stability in our own domestic landscape, namely in the shape of a third Prime Minister and Chancellor in as many months. A key theme underpinning market activity has been the switch of focus away from the inflationary view that has dominated much of the year, to a more traditional recessionary one. In my recent podcast, I spoke about the markets daring to dream about the prospect of interest rate normalising at some point in the not-too-distant future, and what they may bring....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Quarterly Review - Q3 2022

Welcome to the Whitechurch quarterly investment review. This review covers the key factors that have influenced investment markets over the past quarter and the Whitechurch Investment Team’s current views and broad strategies being employed....

Good Money week: What Are We Doing for Sustainable Finance

Good Money Week was started by the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association to help promote financial soundness whilst raising awareness of the benefits of sustainability and ethical investments & finance. Whitechurch is passionate about the longevity of both our investments and the future of our planet. Ethical and sustainable decisions are at the heart of the business operations, not just for the investments we manage....

Whitechurch Blog: Palm Oil - Considerations for Sustainable Portfolios

Daniel Say, Whitechurch’s in house climate change investment specialist reviews the sustainability of palm oil, from source to how it's used, and what this could mean for a sustainable portfolio....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary

August was a tale of two halves - the first few weeks saw a continuation of July's rally, with investor sentiment buoyed by hopes of a policy pivot by the Federal Reserve. Later in the month, concerns about inflation grew once again. Jerome Powell's indication that inflation control remains the Fed's number one priority contributed to a reversal in sentiment, resulting in a retreat for major equity and fixed income indices in the latter half of the month....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary

Economic data released throughout July provided further evidence that the global economy is slowing. Inflation remained front and centre, soaring to new highs despite ongoing efforts by central banks to slow the rising cost of living. Against the backdrop, and the growing threat of recession, markets increasingly moved to price in interest rate cuts from the Federal Reserve in 2023. Anticipation of a pivot to a less aggressive stance was supportive of risk assets, with growth-oriented stocks the major beneficiaries....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Quarterly Review - Q2 2022

Welcome to the Whitechurch quarterly investment review. This review covers the key factors that have influenced investment markets over the past quarter and the Whitechurch Investment Team’s current views and broad strategies being employed....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary

In a continuance of the issues seen year-to-date, May was characterised by rising inflation, interest rate hikes and ongoing supply chain issues driven by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s zero COVID policy. Despite these concerns, major markets were marginally positive in May, providing some respite from losses sustained earlier in the year....

Whitechurch Blog: Immoral Money

Daniel Say, Whitechurch’s in house climate change investment specialist reflects on the controversial speech by HSBC’s Global Head of Responsible Investing, which promoted views that diminish the importance of climate change and its impact on the financial industry....

Whitechurch Blog: 40th Anniversary

Whitechurch Securities Ltd, of which Whitechurch Financial Consultants is a division, is proud to be celebrating its 40 years in business. The Whitechurch Strategic Management Group (SMG) is celebrating this milestone by reflecting on those 40 years and taking you back to where it all began....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Quarterly Review - Q1 2022

Welcome to the Whitechurch quarterly investment review. This review covers the key factors that have influenced investment markets over the past quarter and the Whitechurch Investment Team’s current views and broad strategies being employed....

Whitechurch Podcast: The Market Matters

We are very excited to announce that we have published the very first episode of our new podcast The Market Matters! Throughout our series of podcasts, we will be exploring key events moving the financial markets. Whitechurch Investment Managers and guests share their thoughts on investment opportunities and risks as well as emerging trends in society....

Whitechurch Investment Update: Market Commentary

The horrific events that have been unfolding in Ukraine since the invasion at the end of February have thus far triggered a unanimous response from Western nations in the form of widespread condemnation and a series of sanctions against Russia. There is no doubt that the effects of such geopolitical uncertainty are being felt around the globe....

Whitechurch Blog: Ukraine, Fracking and the Green Energy Revolution

We have all been shocked and saddened by the recent events unfolding in Ukraine, and our thoughts go out to those Ukrainian citizens unwillingly drawn into a conflict that is not of their doing. Given its reliance on Russian exports, the vulnerabilities in Europe’s energy system have been thrown into the spotlight. ...

International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day! We are proud to work with lots of amazing women in finance - both our staff and our clients, you're all amazing and deserve to be recognised! It would be wrong of us to not acknowledge an important day to celebrate women across the globe and remind ourselves of the steps we still need to take to achieve equality in the workplace and society....

Whitechurch Blog: Your Financial MOT

There’s no time like the end of a tax year to conduct a financial MOT – to check that your investment strategy is still aligned to your objectives and to ensure that you are not paying too much to the tax man. The tax year ends on the 5th of April 2022. You have until then to make the most of your tax-free allowances that can’t be rolled over. To get you started we have compiled a list of key ‘hazard lights’ to check....

Whitechurch Blog: Could SMRs revolutionise the nuclear industry?

Nuclear Power has long been making headlines and costing countries billions. Arguments about it's green credentials have never been more prominent. But is there a way nuclear power can be a more cost-effective source of energy through the implementation of Small Modular Reactors as a back-up to renewable energy. Dr Daniel Say explores the use of SMR's and wider Nuclear Power debate in his latest blog:...

Whitechurch Investment Update: Quarterly Review - Q4 2021

Welcome to the Whitechurch quarterly investment review. This review covers the key factors that have influenced investment markets over the past quarter and the Whitechurch Investment Team’s current views and broad strategies being employed....

Whitechurch Blog: Festive Wrap – Good News Stories from 2021

Negative news stories have dominated the headlines this year, and its easy to feel a little overwhelmed. But scratch below the surface, and you’ll find reasons for optimism in these difficult times. So, sit back, find your Christmas slippers, and read on for some of the more positive news stories from 2021....

Whitechurch Blog: Reflecting on COP26 - Another missed opportunity?

Some two weeks have passed since the close of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26 for short). As the buzz subsides, and the headlines are forgotten, how will COP26 – our ‘last best hope’ for climate action – be judged?...

5-Star Winner: Financial Adviser Service Awards 2021

We are honoured to have received 5-stars in the FT Financial Adviser Services Awards rated by advisers themselves....

In The Press: The funds hitting the right notes on climate change ahead of COP 26

Dr Say speaks to Portfolio Adviser about his top fund picks for the ‘E’ of ESG ...

Whitechurch Investment Update: Quarterly Review - Q3 2021

Welcome to the Whitechurch quarterly investment review. This review covers the key factors that have influenced investment markets over the past quarter and the Whitechurch Investment Team’s current views and broad strategies being employed....

Whitechurch Blog: Our Last Best Hope - What to expect from COP26

With so much at stake, what can we expect from the event being called our ‘last best hope’ for meaningful action on climate change? Here are five things to look out for...

Whitechurch Webinar - Climate Change: Opportunities & Risks for Investors

Whitechurch will be hosting an Autumn Sustainable Investment Webinar to answer all your questions about climate change & going green with your finances....

Whitechurch Blog: Nuclear Power - Dying asset or future ESG star?

As intermittent renewables provide an increasingly large share of the global energy supply, so the need for low carbon, base-load power increases. So, is now the time for climate conscious investors to take another look at nuclear?...

ESG Investor of the Year Shortlisting

Whitechurch is proud to have been shortlisted as ESG Investor of the Year for the Business Green Leaders Awards...

Whitechurch Blog: Hydrogen - the renewable energy resource to watch?

ESG, SRI, renewable energy - it’s everywhere as we look to #buildbackbetter from the pandemic. Our ESG Investment Relations Specialist explores the recent buzz around Hydrogen as a renewable energy resource, and whether it's really all it's cracked up to be....

Whitechurch Blog: Sustainable Summer

Your staycation could be good for the planet by reducing your carbon footprint, could your investments do the same?...

Whitechurch Investment Update: Quarterly Review - Q2 2021

Welcome to the Whitechurch quarterly investment review. This review covers the key factors that have influenced investment markets over the past quarter and the Whitechurch Investment Team’s current views and broad strategies being employed....

Is Inheritance Tax Voluntary?

1 in 20 estates in the UK pay inheritance tax (source: HMRC), you could save your family hundreds of thousands of pounds with careful financial planning. Having worked hard to accumulate wealth, many people want to protect at least some of their assets for the benefit of their loved ones, but Inheritance Tax can have a signficant impact on the amount you leave behind. ...

Whitechurch Blog: What is a Discretionary Fund Manager (DFM)?

DFM’s are professional investment managers that build a portfolio of investment funds, usually from across the market. We explore what this means for you and how a DFM can help with your investment objectives....

How To Stay Positive in Lockdown 2.0

“Stay positive” is something we hear a lot of at the moment. But is it really that easy when you’ve been teased with a glimpse of normality and it’s now been snatched away for yet another national lockdown? ...

Whitechurch Blog: CISI Financial Planning Week 2020

Whitechurch is proud to be supporting the CISI Financial Planning Week 2020. Feel more secure in your family's financial future by booking a free one-hour personal finance session with one of our advisers or sign up to one of our webinars....

Whitechurch Blog: Repaying Coronavirus

Early into the UK lockdown, we wrote the blog Pandemic Financial Considerations to highlight possible financial opportunities available. Seventeen weeks later, we have experienced fiscal support unlike any we have seen before....

Whitechurch Blog: Summer Reading List 2020

Summer is officially here - A time to sit by the pool beneath a tropical sun, cocktail in hand, while enjoying a gripping page turner. Ok, scrub that – at least for now! But at least the current lockdown has given many of us more time to read than we usually have. ...

Whitechurch Blog: Your Financial and Emotional Wellbeing

Financial Consultant, Barry Summers, looks at the importance of the relationship between our finances and our overall wellbeing....

Whitechurch Blog: How to Improve Your Work-Life Balance

Finding a good work-life balance is essential for improving your happiness, stress levels and keeping relationships positive. In these extremely difficult times, we need to take some time for ourselves and appreciate life beyond work before you burn out. We have put together some tips to help you improve that balance....

Whitechurch Blog: So, What Next?

The past few months have taken their toll on just about everything. Daily life as we knew it seems a long distant memory and no doubt for some time to come, we will be more conscious about protecting our health than we’ve ever been. But what about our wealth?...

Whitechurch Blog: Pandemic Financial Considerations

Whilst we have already been able to provide support and guidance to many of our customers worried about their existing holdings, we have also received a number of enquiries from those who have seen an opportunity and want to take advantage of the current economic situation whilst stock markets values are low...

Whitechurch Blog: Maintaining a Long-term view

One of our financial consultants explores how to maintain a long-term view during difficult times....

Whitechurch Blog: Whitechurch Working from Home Part 2

Part two of our working from home updates....

Whitechurch Blog: Whitechurch Working from Home

Working from home is a new experience for a few members of the team at Whitechurch and for individuals all across the country. We thought it would be helpful to share how staff have adapted to this change as well as the challenges faced and tips to help you work from home more effectively. If you would like to gain an insight on how our teams have been communicating and servicing clients, keeping fit and maintaining a positive outlook, keep reading!...

Whitechurch Blog: Can my money be used for good and still deliver strong investment returns?

Many of us are used to the concept of donating to charitable causes close to our hearts, but actively investing in funds that are socially and environmentally responsible can still feel slightly alien for some. One of the questions our investment managers get asked increasingly is, “Can my money be used for good and still aim to deliver positive investment returns” we explore the answer to this question within this blog....

Whitechurch Blog: Tax Rates 2020/21

Income tax rates, national insurance rates and junior ISA limits have all been updated for the new tax year 2020/21. For the new figures and allowances, continue reading....

Coronavirus Update

In these uncertain times, we understand how unsettling the current situation is. We want to reassure you that Whitechurch Financial Consultants are here to advise and support you. Your adviser remains available to provide you with support and guidance so do not hesitate to contact them, as needed....

Whitechurch Blog: Lets Talk About Money!

Sam joined Whitechurch Financial Consultants 18 months ago, since then he has gained a range of experience working with our clients. In this blog, he discusses how Whitechurch can help clients reach their financial goals and the importance of intergenerational planning. ...

Whitechurch Blog: Six Things to consider before the start of the new tax year 2020

The new tax year will start on the 6th of April 2020 – but have you maximised your tax-efficient allowances for the current year? To get you started, we have created this list with a few tips and reminders. If you think you could benefit from professional, financial advice please get in contact with one of our financial advisers....

Whitechurch Blog: Six things to consider if you have received an inheritance

Receiving an inheritance can have a wide impact on you and your family’s financial status. It can be tempting to spend the money you didn't previously have on a new car or bigger house - but are you balancing your short term wishes with your long term financial needs? At Whitechurch, we have many years of experience advising clients in this situation and understand the difficulty in deciding the best thing to do with newly inherited wealth. We have summarised six things to consider if you have just received an inheritance in the infographic below. ...

Whitechurch Blog: Your money is a tool for a better life

One of our Financial Advisers, James Nicholas, explores why comprehensive financial planning and asking that extra question can change lives....

Whitechurch Blog: Your Financial MOT Checklist

There’s no time like the present to conduct a financial MOT, To get you started we have compiled a list of key ‘hazard lights’ to check....

Whitechurch Blog: The Complete Retirement Checklist

Several factors need to be considered to best prepare yourself and your family for those potentially long years in retirement. We produced a checklist to help you assess the key details to consider and, if necessary, alter so that you can plan effectively for your retirement....

Whitechurch Blog: The first two years as an adviser

This week we wanted to find out a bit more about life as an financial adviser, we asked one of our advisers to answer a few of our questions. ...