Podcast Relaunch: Mid-year Review – The Softest of Landings

20th June 2024

Headphones at the ready - we have relaunched our Market Matters Podcast! We're back with a bumper edition looking back over the first half of the year as well as attempting to look ahead at what might happen in the second half - just where have those six months gone?! Our Senior Investment Manager, Tim Jones, provides a 20 minute summary of the financial markets and the reasoning behind our chosen asset allocation weightings - just long enough for you to have a good coffee (perhaps we'll be making it iced in this weather!). 

In this series we will be bringing you quarterly episodes, so mark your diaries for the team's next round up in September.

Click on the link below to give it a listen: The Market Matters | Whitechurch Securities Ltd (podbean.com)

Recorded 20th June 2024

Please note, our Podcast is stored on an external site that we are not responsible for.


Important notes:


This publication is issued and approved by Whitechurch Securities Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The views and opinions expressed are those of the Whitechurch Securities Investment Managers based upon information we consider correct and reliable. It may be subject to change without notice and we do not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions. Information is intended to be of a general nature, will not be suitable for everyone and should not be treated as a specific recommendation. Investment returns cannot be guaranteed, past performance is not a guide to future performance and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Stockmarkets are not a suitable place for short term investments. Levels, bases of, and reliefs from taxation are subject to change and values depend on circumstances of the investor.

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