Our Sustainability Policies

Sustainability Report

Whitechurch recognises the need for every company to take steps to limit it's impact on our environment. As a company, we support the ultimate goal of the Paris Agreement, to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The race to net-zero will require deep cuts in emissions across all sectors of the economy, and the financial services industry is no exception. Through the mobilisation of finance, our sector can be a driving force in the transition to a low carbon economy. You can read our Sustainability Report by clicking on the image or link below:

Click here to see the Whitechurch Sustainability Report



Responsible Invesment Policy

Whitechurch Securities has also developed a Responsible Investment Policy to guide our approach to responsible investment. This policy has been adopted by the Board for use by the company, and will be reviewed (and where necessary, revised) on an annual basis. You can read our Responsible Investment Policy by clicking on the image or link below:

Click here to see the Whitechurch Responsible Investment Policy